Selasa, 26 Januari 2010
Perkembangan Bayi Dalam Kandungan Anda Minggu Per Minggu (0-12 minggu)
Minggu ke 6: Embrio terlihat seperti berudu. Pada minggu ini dapat mengenali kepala, ekor, tangan dan anggota badan masih seperti tunas. Pada minggu ini pembentukan awal dari hati, pancreas, paru-paru,kelenjar tiroid dan jantung.
Fetal development in pregnancy week 6
Fetal development in pregnancy week 6:embryo in second month This is going to be a busy week for your amazing little embryo. Their brain is still growing remarkably fast; miniature hand plates are starting to develop and the early formations of what will be their fingers are already visible. Also, the lower limbs do not develop quite as fast, so they’re pretty much still flippers. Up until this point, your baby has been very curled up with the head and tail in close proximity, but this week their trunk and neck are beginning to grow and straighten as their tail recedes into its resting position in the back. Even though your little miracle is only 6 weeks old, they’re already capable of demonstrating reflex responses to touch!
Isnin, 25 Januari 2010
Perkembangan Bayi Dalam Kandungan Anda Minggu Per Minggu (0-12 minggu) « Sebuah perjalanan…
"Minggu ke 5: Ukuran bayi anda sekarang sekitar sebuah biji aple dan pada minggu ini disebut sebagai embrio. Bayi anda sudah mempunyai detak jantung sendiri, plasenta dan tali pusat sudah berkerja sepenuhnya pada minggu ini. Vesikel-vesikel otak primer mulai terbentuk, sistim saraf mulai berkembang."
Pregnancy Calendar Week 5
Pregnancy Calendar Week 5: "Fetal development in pregnancy week 5:embryo in second month The changes to your growing embryo are not quite as drastic this week as they've been in the last few weeks. Growth is now largely focused on their little head, which is starting to develop much more rapidly than the rest of their tiny body. This is because their amazing brain is undergoing some very crucial and rapid development in order to effectively regulate their heart rate, blood circulation, and other vital functions. As for the rest of their miniature body, what were simple limb buds last week are limb flippers this week and the tail is more expressed. Amazingly, within a mere five weeks your little miracle is already developing the rudimentary forms of their liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach and nasal pits while their little heart is already increasing its circulation. Your baby is now a whopping 4-6mm in length."
Rabu, 20 Januari 2010
Mengandung Kali ini...
Kali ni rasa lain sangat... kepala sentiasa berat dan penat.. pastu tu tetak lak rasa macam tak kena aje... nak kata nak muntah tak... tapi rasa loya2 aje... tah.. tak pernah rasa macam ni.. selama ni ingat diaorang ni main-main aje... rupanya betul la. Rasa tak selesa semacam aje... kepala lak macam rasa migrain aje... tidak. tak nak la rasa macam ni. tak larat kalo lama-lama macam ni. Oklah... itu sahaja luahan rasa kali ni...
Selasa, 19 Januari 2010
Fetal development in pregnancy week 4
Fetal development in pregnancy week 4:embryo in first month By the end of this week the round and pointy ends of your little pear-shaped baby will be slightly more exaggerated and their body will look more like that of a miniature manatee. Despite your baby not looking particularly human without any eyes, ears or mouth, the earliest developments of what will become the larynx, internal ear, and eye lens are already forming, although you’d have to be a trained expert to recognize them for what they’re going to be in the future. Likewise, tiny bumps are forming on your little embryo which will eventually be their cute little arms, elbows, fingers, legs, knees and toes. What’s more your little swimmer will have a teeny tiny tail by the end of this week-- but don’t worry, it’s just the end of their developing spinal cord! A microscopic photo would reveal what seems to be their vertebrae filling out the spine and tail. Although they aren’t bones yet, but rather, the “bone seeds” that will give rise to your baby's tiny vertebrae, ribs and sternum.
Ahad, 17 Januari 2010
Perkembangan Bayi Dalam Kandungan Anda Minggu Per Minggu (0-12 minggu)
Minggu Ke-empat: "Saat buat si zygote kecil untuk menemukan tempat didalam rahim anda. Dengan berakhirnya minggu ini, anda tidak mendapat menstruasi, dan menjadi tanda pertama kemungkinan kehamilan. Pada beberapa wanita mendapatkan sedikit perdarahan dan disalahartikan sebagai menstruasi, sebenarnya perdarahan yang sedikit itu karena implatasi dari zygote ke dinding rahim anda."
Pregnancy Calendar Week 3
Pregnancy Calendar Week 3: "Fetal development in pregnancy week 3:embryo in first month Although your belly is still the same size and shape as it was pre-pregnancy, a plethora of amazing and dynamic changes are taking place despite this fact. Right now your little zygote is already 1.5 – 2.5mm in size. This is quite a change from the microscopic pack of cells you had just two weeks ago. Your microscopic little one is already composed of three complex “germ” layers: the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. Although you could hardly see them at this point, these layers are the beginnings of your baby's nervous system and brain, stomach and inner organs, and skeleton and connective tissue. Your baby is also starting to take on recognizable physical dimensions somewhat comparable to a very tiny pear. The round part of the pear will eventually become the head and the pointy part will be the spine. Perhaps the best part of this week is that somewhere around the 21st day, your miraculous little pear will have a beating heart, although the heart chambers and valves will not be completely developed for another couple weeks."
Isnin, 11 Januari 2010
Rajin salah, Malas kena kata
Aku sekarang dalam dilema. Aku bukan rajin mana tapi aku suka ambil tahu. Masalahnya aku sekarang berumbang ambing tidak tahu mana arah tujuan. Cikgu yang baru posting pun dah ada jadual mengajar. Aku ni tah apa-apa tah.. Tak tahu yang mana.. Tahun 1 ke?? Tahun 2 ke?? Tahun 3 ke??
Sepatutnya aku adalah guru pemulihan.. tapi hari ini aku dapat tahu aku cikgu pendidikan khas.. pastu di tukar menjadi cikgu tahun 1... Apa masalah aku ni??? Tolong... Pada sapa aku nak mengadu.
Sepatutnya aku adalah guru pemulihan.. tapi hari ini aku dapat tahu aku cikgu pendidikan khas.. pastu di tukar menjadi cikgu tahun 1... Apa masalah aku ni??? Tolong... Pada sapa aku nak mengadu.
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